Saturday, May 23, 2015

My daddy the doctor

Breck's class recently studied different careers ...and parents were encouraged to visit the class and speak with them about their jobs.  Immediately Breck came home and wanted daddy to bring his stethoscope and come to his class.  Since my job (recruiting medical students) is really not going to be too compelling to a group of 4 year olds, my feelings were not hurt and Bobby planned a day where he could go.

Bobby read books about "going to the doctor", let Breck's friends listen sounds using the stethoscope, and bandaged everyone up using Avenger and Doc McStuffins bandaids.

Breck was so proud and was pretty bossy with his class about listening and instructing them on just how to use his daddy's doctor tools.

This day was so awesome for Bobby.  He misses so much while in residency and Breck is so proud of him - so I was ecstatic that it worked out for him to be able to go!

We tried to sneak a pic at the end and of course Breck was devastated it was over and was not cooperating.

Bobby and I always pray our babies forget the times he is gone while in residency... and we are positive they will only remember the fun ones of having a daddy that is a doctor!!!

Monday, April 20, 2015

Breck You Are 4

Breck Randel,
How in the world are you four years old??  I remember the exact moment that they laid you on my chest and the instant overwhelming feeling of love that I felt.

You came into this world in dramatic fashion... but there is not a dramatic bone in your body.  You are so much like your daddy in that you are quiet, sweet as sugar, and that voice, OH that sweet, sweet, soft voice of yours.  EVERYONE comments on how sweet your voice sounds, and I am already dreading the day that it changes.

Your imagination is wild!  You love playing Ninja Turtles, Paw Patrol, and most of all you LOVE to wrestle with your daddy!  He can hardly get in the door from the hospital before you are attacking him with your sword of choice...  Usually Leonardo's swords.

You are a pleaser - you rarely ever get into trouble, but when you do you have started telling me very seriously that "You will neeeeever do that again".  And I fall for it every.single.time.  I've even caught you hiding any evidence that may incriminate you!

You love to sing and dance with your mama!  It is my only claim to fame with you!  We are loving Immortals by Fall Out Boy & the Big Hero 6 movie; and anything by Taylor Swift. We rock out in the car, at home and basically anywhere we can get by doing it!
You adore your Claire-bear and are the only one that can get her belly giggles.  She watches your every move and I melt when I see you talk and play with her when you think I am not watching.
You talk and talk and talk.  You tell amazing stories and ask questions that even stump me! You started playing soccer and love it!  Every time you kick the ball you give me and dad a thumbs up!  You haven't scored a goal, but you talk about it every day! 

You love to give me and Claire kisses.  You insist on one on the lips and one on my cheek.  You never leave Claire without kissing her all over too!  You have already committed to marrying me - and I plan to hold you to that! 
You still have your "Monkey" (nap buddy).  We are slowly trying to retire him, but the time is just not quite right....yet!

We love you more than words could ever describe, and cannot wait to see what the future holds for you brecky.


Monday, March 18, 2013

Daddys Vacay.

So I am sure most have caught on to the demanding and tireless schedule a resident has. So when Bobby finally had a week off - I WAS SO EXCITED!  I wanted to jam pack it with things I wanted (needed) done, and places I wanted to go....that was MY agenda for him.  Bobby wanted to chill, relax and play golf.  Well we compromised and as you can see below had a great week. (P.S. there are no golfing pics-but dont be fooled he was able to hit the links 2 days.)
 A little yard TLC...

Finally getting around to decorating our room. We have had a fleece blanket covering the window since June - Don't judge us!  Final renovation pics to come soon.

Breck has especially loved having unlimited daddy time. They are doing some major road construction in our neighborhood and Breck loves to go out and sit on the "big tractors".

We were also able to have some great time with our friends this weekend and go to my first Thunder game and celebrate St. Pattys Day with some Breck free time.

This week Bobby and I celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary.  We have made so many memories the last 5 years and I am so thankful for him and his committment to Breck and I.  I think I may get dinner out to Flemings:)


Wednesday, February 27, 2013

where has the time gone?...

WOW! Has it really been since August since I have "blogged"?  I cannot seem to figure this new world out.  But I am trying!
I have really started following some great blogs and am really inspired.
So here are a few pics to hopefully catch you up on the past several months, then I will start new with a fresh slate!
We had a great friend and amazingly talented photographer take our annual fall family pics.

Love love LOVE this boy. We are well emmersed in the terrible tantrums know as "terrible twos"...but I seem to forget all those when I look at this sweet pic:)
Breck and his daddy love this I am totally against it!
 Breck really got into Christmas this year.  Bobby and I were actually afraid that he would go into depression after all the lights came down!  My amazing brother brought his sisters into the IPAD world and got us all IPAD mini's (I know, I know...we are lucky!)

My Valentine!

Finally a snow day in Tulsa! Breck loved the snow and throwing snowballs at mommy!

I am going to really  try hard at this blogging I hope you will stay patient and stay tuned with us!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Change is the name of the game this summer. Lots of it to go around.We have moved from another state, had a baby, completed medical school, moved again to a new city, started a new career, husband started residency, baby started new daycare all within the last 18 months.
Never in a million years would I have thought I would be missing medical school. But, I DO!  The friends, memories, activities, other spouseless friends. I MISS IT ALL!
Bobby has started his Emergency Medicine Residency. So for the first time in our married lives we are a 2-income family! He wanted to frame his first paycheck:)
He is working so hard, and incredibly long hours!  It is definitely not easy on any of us!
So the time we do have together - we have been taking advantage of. Bobby is so great with Breck and watching them makes my heart melt!  It is something I will never get tired of witnessing.

Breck started at a daycare. It is at a church downtown and very close to both Bobby and I. So far, he is NOT a fan. The teachers assure me that he does in fact stop crying and has a fun day. Mornings are a little tense for us to say the least!
It is an incredible facility and the teachers are so nice. I have no doubt that time will in fact help this situation as well.

So we are adjusting. Tulsa is growing on us. I miss my Tennessee friends so much more than I could ever write in one blog post. I am hanging in there and trying to keep us all together and make sure we remember which day it is! I am positive that I will soon be a huge fan of Tulsa and have a social calendar that is booked 6 months out...until that day comes - I will keep figuring out this change thing...and enjoy the time we have together!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Abernathys join the blog world

wow! I have had so many friends join this vast world called blogging. Never thinking I fit in. But after starting to follow my friend/boss' (is that a such thing) blog...I am obsessed. She is a blog guru so I will be learning lots from her. But for now I cannot wait to start documenting and sharing all that has and is happening in our crazy life. I hope my family and friends can stay up to date with us and enjoy sharing our fun memories.